LINKS PAGE - Note all links fixed as of 22 June 2013 (links change and become dated - sigh)

Website Description
Oar Links
Gartside boats Leathering Oars
Polymarine.com Oar Accessories
Duckworks Magazine Article Article on building home made wooden oars
Van Fancy Oars Good quality and affordable oars and paddles
Fyne Boat Kits - Oars for sale Spoon Blade Wood Oars
Duckworks Magazine Store Oar Accessories and more
Grapeview point Boatworks Excellent advice on oar information
Shaw and Tenney Oar length caclulator and more
Home made Oar patterns Patterns for building flat bladed oars by Chesapeake Light Craft
Free Oar Plans Two pdf oar building links at bottom of page. Note oar blades too wide IMHO
Oar Building Video Youtube video of building high quality wooden oars, very good
Dory Plans
Hannus Homepage Excellent site on small boats and wood properties. LINK FIXED
Youkou Lili Potential Microcruiser
Gig Harbour Boats Several nice traditional styled boats
Selway Fisher Dories from Selway Fisher
Glen-L Designs 18.5ft double chines sailing dory
Dory Plans Free dory plans in download section of this website
Butler projects Several boats plans including sailing and rowing dories
Spira International Many boat plans including some beamy dories
Small boat forum Excellent article in pdf format (large file size) on many dory types
Other Boat Plans
Otter 16 Dingy Boatplans Online Website
Penobscot 17 Dingy Arch Davis Design
Free boat plans Heaps of free boat plans
Watchet Boat Museum Some old British boats including the turf boat
Duckworks Magazine List of plans from Duckworks
Duckworks Magazine Duckworks list of designers and their plans
Gartside Boats Some very nice sailing and rowing skiffs
Steve Lewis Several very practical boat plans
Chesapeake Light Craft Many light boat and kayak plans
Atkin Boat Plans Many, many old boat plans, well worth a look
B & B boat plans Some well thought out small boats
Chesapeake Marine Design Some small boats with excellent lines
Gavin Atkin boat plans Lots and lots of skillful free boat plans
John Welsford boat designs Large range of modern wood boats from 8 to 22ft
101 Scandinavian designs Beautiful traditional boats, LINK UPDATED
Wherry Plans
Baker Boat Works Skiff, Wherry and Whitehall plans in pdf format
Duck Trap wherry Plans for a 16' Wherry
Annapolis Wherry A 17'9 Wherry kit, though no plans
Small Multihulls
Tridarka A double outrigger canoe with plans
Triak A small double outrigger kayak
Small Trimarans.com The best website for small trimarans, unfortunately in blog format
Microship.com A very informative article on an 18ft tri
Tri-Star18 An 18ft trimaran with plans
A18T Trimaran 18ft trimaran by Chris Ostlind
Cross 18 18ft plywood trimaran by Norman Cross - is this link dead?
Magnum 18 Yet one more 18ft trimaran
Slidercat 16ft catamaran for minimalist cruising
Crab claw catamaran A catamaran with bipod mast and crab claw sail
Gary Dierking Website Excellent website on many and varied sailing outrigger canoes
Seaclipper 16 5m plywood trimaran by John Marples
Trilars Small double outrigger
LW15.5 Warren Light Craft double outrigger sailing kayak
Tacking Outriggers
Flaquita - LINK UPDATED An impressive 16ft tacking outrigger with plans
Salmo 19 19ft Tacking outrigger from Poland
Micromegas 3 Across the Atlantic in small multi by two French brothers
Malibu Outrigger A 19ft tacking outrigger, with 2000 built
Tim Andersons voyage Seattle to Alaska via simple outrigger canoe
Cape Falcon Kayak Skin on frame 20ft outrigger canoe
Tim Anderson again Almost to Cuba in a tacking outrigger
A64 Tacking outrigger 21ft tacking outrigger by Chris Ostlind
Kejak tacking outrigger Tacking Outrigger as seen on Duckworks magazine
Hans Klaar 70ft double outrigger, so impressive
Arpex 30ft tacking outrigger by Peter Mirow
Slightly Larger Multihulls
Tremolino Tri The famous 23ft trimaran by Dick Newick
Trailertri The original Ian Farrier folding trimaran
Weekender Catamaran 18ft catamaran by Thomas Firth Jones
Trikala 19 19ft trimaran by Kurt Hughes
Astus Trimarans modern trimarans in four varying sizes
Kendrick Designs modern trimaran plans for eight different boats
Buccaneer 24 tri Lock Crowthers fast tri
Trinardo Trimaran in development, with Tornado hulls as amas
Soling Tri Trimaran made by modification on Soling yacht
SeaRail 19 A high performance 19ft trimaran
Sea Pearl Tri Trimaran version of Sea Pearl 21 boat
Tritium 720 7.2m trimaran
Proa Links
WikiProa A good resource about proas
proa_file yahoo group Was the best discussion group about proas, but now ...hmm
ProaForum.com The new proa forum, this now where it is
Pacific Proa The absolute best resource for proa information
Tdem Proa and Canoe Links Large list of proa and outrigger canoe links
Harmen Hielkema Toroa proa and more
Harry Proa Weight to windward proas
Proafile.com Michael Schact's excellent blog
Mbuli Proa 20ft pacific proa, plans available
Tahiti1.com Traditional Pacific outriggers
Mulithull.de Historic proa photographs - comprehensive
Project Windrigger Ian Smith and his work with small multihulls - LINK UPDATED
Taimaui.org Big website regarding proas from different Islands
Cheap Pages proas Interesting work on Proas by Craig O'Donnell
Yet More Links
Boat Links Mother of all maritime lniks - NEW LINK
70 point 8 percent Excellent boat related blog
ChineBlog.com Boat related blog, includes a skin on frame outrigger sailing canoe
Wharram Popular and simple cruising catamarans
Vietnam Boats Traditional Vietnamese boats
GA Boats Geodesic skin on frame boats
BoatDesign.net An occasional good post in the forum, articles as well
Glenn Tieman's boat 38ft Wharram catamaran for 14K, just wow!
Traditional Boats Traditional boats forum
Lateen sail Racing video of lateen rigged sailboats
Tohastus outboard Crossing an ocean with a 2.5hp outboard
Nigel Irens Efficient powered multihulls from a famed designer
Woodwork Forums Comprehensive forums on woodworking, including boatbuilding
Christine Merchant.com Excellent article on what makes a good rowboat
Small Trimarans.com An up to date and most comprehensive blog
HMY Yachts Timeline of Ships, Boats and Yachts
Other Links
The Guardian Good source of news, maybe UK version is not as light
Vice News This alternative news source is much better than mainstream
New York Times Meant to be good, but is actually drivel, just admit it
The Age My old source of news, now second rate
Chess.com Good place to spend time and improve your game
Uglyships.com Kind of self explanatory - darn good though
Shipbucket.com Nice to see what some ships look like
ABC Radio National My Australian place for intellectual stimulation - f**ing good
Population Connection Deals with the huge issue of global overpopulation
The economist magazine High quality articles, obviously often economics based
Mother Jones Excellent high quality journalism
Robert Fisk The best middle east journalism there is